"Repair-Cafés are free meeting places and they’re all about repairing things (together).
We throw away vast amounts of stuff. Even things with almost nothing wrong, and which could get a new lease on life after a simple repair. The trouble is, lots of people have forgotten that they can repair things themselves or they no longer know how. Knowing how to make repairs is a skill quickly lost.
The Repair-Café teaches people to see their possessions in a new light. And, once again, to appreciate their value. The Repair Café helps change people’s mindset. This is essential to kindle people’s enthusiasm for a sustainable society.
But most of all, the Repair-Café just wants to show how much fun repairing things can be, and how easy it often is. Why don’t you give it a go?"
Quotation from www.repaircafe.org
The Motivation
Planned obsolescence means: products have predetermined breaking points so they will be broken shortly after warranty. A clear strategy of the industry to ensure its sales in the long term which puts more and more people into a rage. Especially under ecological aspects outrages the material waste. As well as the incapacitation - the fewest products can be still screwed and repaired -many annoyed. We demand our right back to repair as it is said, for example, in the Repair Manifesto. Right to the motto: A thing that you cannot fix is not yours.
Our Repair-Cafés are a practical measure, to do something about it. Here people meet with defective consumer goods and electrical appliances and try in joint action to fix as many as possible of them. A Repair-Café is not a repair shop with service, but a self-help enterprise with coffee and / or cake.
The Entitlement
Everyone dares himself to the inner workings of broken devices, but in community and in the exchange of the different levels of knowledge this can be done of course better.
Repair-Cafés have been invented in the Netherlands. In Germany, they are booming for quite some time.
The Repair-Café in Erkrath
Our Repair-Café helps all citizens of Erkrath to repair worn-out and broken small domestic appliances of the household - free of charge.
Forum Sandheide
Raum Café 28
Hildener Str. 28
40699 Erkrath
Next dates:
Every 3rd Friday of the month 2 p.m. - 5 p.m

The Repair-Café
What can be repaired?
The following devices can be brought along:
- Toaster,
- irons,
- vacuum cleaners,
- hair dryers,
- lamps,
- printers,
- scanners,
- PCs,
- ... etc.
All equipment must be taken back, independent on the success of rapair.
Disposing of the devices by us is not possible.
A repair of the following domestic appliances is currently not possible:
Electric cookers, refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, lawn mowers, bicycles, mopeds, etc.
Further information
about Repair-Café you will find on the the pages of the association Repair-Café.